Sweet Miss Callie. She came to us in May of 2006 with a list of problems; bad teeth, a bladder full of stones, so many that she could only hold about a tablespoon of urine, and digestive problems. Liz took her into foster care and working with Dr. Culp gave her special diets, lots of love, and lots of care and brought her back to a semblance of health. Callie has had the joy of playing with Daisy, Liz’s resident sheltie, taking short walks with Liz, enjoying the wind in her coat and love all around her. During the last few months her heart has been giving her problems. Callie’s heart started failing and fluid started building in her lungs and around her heart to the point she was drowning. The EC doctors did what they could. We gave her peace and we know that Callie is waiting for her rescuer/foster/ forever friend, Liz, at the Bridge. Say a little prayer for this sweet girl and watch for her star tonight, she will be the brightest one. Thank you Liz for all that you did for this sweet sheltie.