Rocky is a 3 year old Border Collie mix that came in with Amanda as an owner surrender. He is up to date on all vaccinations, heartworm negative and on heartworm preventive. Rocky stands about 17 inches tall and weighs 31 pounds, we are adding a bit extra to his bowl as he could use a few more pounds. Rocky is house trained, crate trained, leash trained and loves playing fetch. He will bring anyone available a ball at just about any time for a fast game of fetch, a ball is his bestest friend as is the person who will throw it. Rocky gets along well with other dogs, loves activity, easily trainable and a snuggler.
Adopted Shelties
4 thoughts on “Rocky – Adopted May 2023”
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Is he available? I’d love to meet him! I have a brown white Sheltie and would love another
He is still available, please fill out the application for consideration.
I am interested In adopting Rocky. Please let me know the logistics and when I may meet him. Thanks very much!
You can apply here.