Crossed the Rainbow Bridge May 2023.

In Memorial
Taffy was a beautiful spirited little girl. She was a mischievous and smart little girl.
Bright eyes and an infectious happy attitude.
We will miss her forever.
– Taffy’s mom and dad
Taffy’s Bio
Taffy came to us from Universal City, she was a stray and no one came to reclaim her. when she was picked up by the shelter her coat was tangled and dirty and she had lots of fleas and ticks. The shelter had her groomed and updated her vaccinations. When we picked her up she was frightened by all of the changes, the noise of the kennel situation and all of the strange people. She is a happy girl.
Rainbow Bridge
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Taffy was a beautiful spirited little girl. She was micevious and smart little girl.
Bright eyes and an infectious happy attitude.
We will miss her forever.
Taffy’s mom and dad