Vette came into rescue from the Crist-Yoder shelter in Buchanan Dam in June of 2005 as Yvette. She was such a mess; matted, nails that grew back into her pads, a mass on her chest (turned out to be benign tumors), gaunt, difficulty walking and climbing, mostly deaf, and heartworm negative, Crist-Yoder had had to cut the mats from around her teeth.
Jenn went to Marble Falls and picked her up. The little toot barked, or rather yip yip’d all the way into Austin. First she went to Barry, who changed her name to Vette, for fostering and a quick visit to the vet. She was later moved to Houston for testing on the tumor and to be spayed. No one could figure out how old she was, other than quite old. I drove her to Brenham and she yip yip’d all the way. Linda met me and the little one continued her serenade all the way to Houston. Houston’s vet’s did her surgery and biopsy showed the tumors to be benign, we were all surprised and relieved. The end of June she made the trip back to Austin to be fostered once again by Barry. She rode back in my lap and yip yip’d all the way from Houston to Bastrop.
At PetAPalooza in August she stood at the front of our booth and yip yip’d at everyone who went by and didn’t stop. She so enjoyed all the attention and petting she got that day. She stayed at Barry’s until October when she came to my house. For the first weeks at my house she would stand and stare at me and give me her yip yip for hours. I spent a lot of time trying to find out what she wanted, and one day she stopped yipping. I don’t know whether she felt she finally had me trained to do her bidding or if she finally felt like she was home.

At Christmas time Jeff started calling her the Christmas puppy because she was so soft and sweet, he said she looked like a puppy on a Christmas card. In February we discovered a hot spot on her tush and had it checked out. In the process we found a mast cell tumor, more surgery for the little one. Fran’s vet did the surgery and the same day of the surgery she was back at my house ruling the roost and ordering everyone around.

For the next several months the hot rod ordered and tormented Winslow, stole his toys and left bite marks on his ears, and he just kept playing with her…being ever so gentle. She took her morning walks and yip yip’d at the guy down the street when he left for work in his pickup. We miss the little hot rod aka The Divine Princess, we miss her bright eyes when it was time to go outside, we miss her yip yip when the meals weren’t fast enough, we miss watching her be-bop up the steps and the neighbor misses her chasing his truck in the morning.
G’Bye Sweet Vette!